Metro Leader Magazine Article

May 22, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I recently published an article in Metro Leader Magazine about landscape photography.  You can see it here:


Or, here is the text:


Many people like to take photos of landscapes, be they out West, at the beach or in the mountains with changing leaves.  Landscape photos can make beautiful wall decorations, and are fun to shoot, too.

Here are a few tips to get better results in your landscape photos:

  • If you're using a point and shoot camera, set your camera on the “landscape” mode.  This will automatically create the proper settings to give you the best chance of shooting a good landscape photo.  If using a DSLR, set your camera on 'aperture priority' mode and adjust your aperture to about f/16 or so.
  • Use a wider angle setting on your lens.  This allows you to photograph more of the scenery and gives a much more majestic photo.  Of course, if you have a particular part of the scene you would like to emphasize, you can zoom in on it if you’d like.
  • To get maximum sharpness in the photo, always use a tripod when shooting landscapes.  
  • If your camera will accept filters, use a polarizing filter.  This will darken and saturate the sky so it will look bluer and not as washed out as it normally would.  Simply mount the filter and dial in the amount of the effect you want.
  • Frequently, a landscape will look more interesting if there is something in the foreground, such as a horse in front of the mountains, or a bird flying through the photo.  This is all a matter of personal taste and style, so try with and without, and see which one you like better.
  • Finally, consider shooting at different times of day.  High noon is seldom the best time, and you will often get better results early in the morning or late in the afternoon.


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